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Media Broadcasting 3 and 4  

2018 Lander Film Festival Winners







The Media Broadcasting 3 and 4 courses are designed for advanced-level media content creation.

Students will also be expected to utilize language arts skills to meet the speaking and writing requirements that are an inherent component of this course. An opportunity for an internship is available to students at this level.

Students will be expected to put high-level skills to work in a consistent daily manner by managing their own schedules and time in class every day.  Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency with all media content tools by the end of their first semester. They will be expected to apply media content fundamentals on their own with instructors only providing guidance and help when necessary to produce professional content.  This project-based course may include the following:
  • Live Radio Production
  • Live Sports Production
  • Podcasting and Radio Shows
  • Radio Drama
  • Documentary Production
  • Short Film Production
  • Steadicam© Training
  • Advanced Acting, Directing, Lighting, and Editing
Students will also be given the opportunity to participate in a number of competitions that often see them competing nationally or state-wide, and result in opportunities to travel outside the state.
These courses count for 2 or 4 credits. The prerequisite for Media Broadcasting 3 and 4 is the successful completion of Media Broadcasting 2.  Media Broadcasting 3 takes place during the 1st semester and Media Broadcasting 4 takes place during the second semester.  It is imperative (but not required) that students take the first semester in order to successfully complete the second semester.  Students will alternate daily between the radio and video sides.