Cosmetology 3 and 4
Cosmetology 3 and 4 are senior-level courses. We cover hair coloring, skin (hair removal, facials, and make-up), nail enhancements (tips, wraps, and acrylics) and salon planning and management. The majority of our focus is on reviewing for the state board written and practical exams.
The state board practical examination usually takes place in March or April and the written examination is taken individually only after a student passes all written tests in the class with 80% or better, which is the state requirement. The State Board Exam is given by LLR. LLR requires 1500 hours. ACTC only allows 5% to be earned outside of ACTC.
After students pass the practical and written exams, they are certified cosmetologists.
The complete course syllabus is provided below.
The state board practical examination usually takes place in March or April and the written examination is taken individually only after a student passes all written tests in the class with 80% or better, which is the state requirement. The State Board Exam is given by LLR. LLR requires 1500 hours. ACTC only allows 5% to be earned outside of ACTC.
After students pass the practical and written exams, they are certified cosmetologists.
The complete course syllabus is provided below.