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Welcome to Automotive Technology

Hello, my name is Mike Johnson. My career path started at a Career Center much like ACTC. Throughout my career I never forgot the advantage that I gained in those two years spent in that program. As my career unfolded and I rose from working as a mechanic in a gas station while in high school, to getting my dream job as a technician in a new car dealership, I daily used the foundation of knowledge that was imparted to me by a great teacher. I rose through the ranks of the dealership to Shop Foreman, to Service Manager, and finally, to Fixed Operations Manager of two dealerships.  

During my career, I sat on the automotive advisory board of multiple High School Career Center programs, Greenville Technical College, Spartanbury Technical College, and recently I joined the Tri-County Technical College board as well. I've always wanted to give back the advantage that I had been given, I'm still active on several advisory boards.   

At the end of 2021, I was given the opportunity to join the staff here at ACTC. Without hesitation, I became the instructor for Automotive Technology. I want to be that Great Teacher, that person who inparts his knowledge to a young person, and gives them the working tools needed to join the automotive career field. I want to give them the foundation of knowledge to succeed and live their best life, doing what they love, just as I was given the same.  

Mike Johnson
Phone:  864-847-4121 ext. 3490
Fax:  864-847-3539