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Who to Contact

Anderson I & II Career and Technology Center
702 Belton Highway
Williamston, SC 29697
Phone: 864-847-4121
Fax: 865-847-3539
Ext. 3113  
Ext. 3125

Associate Director 
Stacey Scott 
Ext. 3115

Work-Based Learning Coordinator  
Travis Guthrie
Ext. 3127

Assistant Director 
Abbie Piotrowsky 
Ext. 3117

Career Coach 
Sharon Riddle
Ext. 3129

Career Coach 
Lisa Wardlaw
Ext. 3121

Student Services Assistant
Misti Smith
Ext. 3123

School Resource Officer
Ext. 3119
Accounts Payable
Ext. 3107

Personnel Services Coordinator
Amanda McCauley
Ext. 3109

Business Director
Jenny Gilbert
Ext. 3127

Melissa Riddle
Ext. 3105

Technology Director
Jon Sexton 
Ext. 3151

Facility Manager
Justin Atkin
Ext. 3176